The Healing Mankind Project is intended to propagate the greatest possibilities in the natural healing of oneself and others through the connection to—and from within—Universal Consciousness; by accessing The Energy That Is Everything (TETIE); through the principles of Quantum Physics and Divine Nature; and by healing both individuals as well as the whole of mankind. The Healing Mankind Project is to act as a catalyst, without limitations, in the acceleration of spiritual and personal growth, and in the achievement of life dreams. It is a space for people to meet in love, peace, harmony and joy.

Subconscious Behavioral Reconditioning (SBR)


Make Those Positive Changes In Your Life Now!
Change Your Thinking Patterns, Change Your Life!

Continuing to promote Health, Wellness, Inspiration and Motivation; this service is intended to modify unwanted behavior patterns that limit our ability for enjoying optimal health, love, joy, peace and contentment. Or, to support, advance and enhance areas of our lives that are working in the way we like. It is a process that helps in removing or modifying behaviors that prevent the achievement of important life goals and objectives or behaviors that interfere with our ability to maintain and grow healthy happy relationships.

Subconscious Behavioral Reconditioning (SBR) is system of guided self-management and a technique that might be considered a fusion of three successful and effective life-shifting modalities. It is a sort of interweaving of guided imagery, meditation and hypnotherapy.

In psychotherapy, we understand that humans function primarily from the pre-programmed subconscious mind. It is from the subconscious mind that we operate on auto-pilot based on learned behaviors and past experiences. Most of this early programming are deep seated concepts developed from initial human contact as an infant and continue through ages seven or eight and are mostly formed by the age of 9 or 10 years old. Freud considered 90% of human behavior originated from subconscious mind programming. He likened the mind to an iceberg with the visible 10% above the water being the conscious mind and the 90% of the non-visible ice under the water representing the subconscious mind. Which carries more weight?

The goal in SBR is to transcend the conscious, logical and analytical mind that might stop, limit or prevent a desired life change. It is designed to modify behaviors that don’t work in our lives and to promote behaviors that create success and achievement. Being able to modify repetitive stumbling block behaviors that get in our way will allow greater life satisfaction and a path towards reaching goals, objectives and happiness.

In simple terms SBR is the process of creating a heightened state of suggestibility by temporarily setting aside limiting and interfering thoughts, allowing more direct access to the subconscious mind whereby positive suggestions, guidance and affirmations are offered, allowing the desired behavioral and positive life changes.

We constantly tell ourselves how to behave, change and act. We are also told by other what we should do in order to reach personal goals and objectives. When we tell ourselves or others what we should do or how we should behave, the tool we use is called “will power.” Most people will exercise their will power, constantly fighting and struggling within themselves doing mental summersaults while resulting in minimal success and lots of frustration. Whether the goal is to stop smoking, loose weight, change career, write a book, buy a house, the effort to stay focused, improve a relationship, deal with addictive behavior, take action towards a goal and be effective is often an unending uphill battle never reaching the goal.

This is largely due to subconscious, learned programming. No matter how badly we want to change if our subconscious mind has reasons and justifications for continuing with the same behavior we won’t make the desired change. Deep seated beliefs that we don’t really have the ability, it’s too difficult, costs to much money, I’m not strong enough, I don’t have the time, I don’t know enough about the task, I don’t have the resources, things never work the way I want them too, or any number of other self defeating excuses. Whatever the limiting thoughts might be, they are learned behaviors and barriers and though most typically not true, are difficult to surmount on our own, even by “trying hard.”

So no matter who tells us we can do something, or how many times we tell ourselves we can do it, if there are underlying subconscious beliefs and behaviors creating barriers and limitations, all that mental gymnastics in the world, all the running on the hamster wheel of consciousness, will not allow an objective to come to fruition.

Positive change needs to take place from deeper within the subconscious mind without all the pre-programmed, interfering and logical reasoning. The subconscious mind is where SBR is focused.

SBR is a process of being guided to momentarily place aside conscious limiting thoughts, beliefs and analytical toiling thereby gaining direct access to the subconscious mind. Then, while the subconscious mind is in a highly suggestible state and open to change, positive suggestions, guidance and affirmations are offered where new behaviors, perspectives and understandings can be accepted. This allows the necessary change to take place without interference of learned and fixed limitations life has placed on an individual. It is from here that enduring personal changes can be made.

Unlike Motivational Mentoring which is an intensive hands-on action based process where the client is guided through thoughts, ideas and actions that are regularly monitored for progress in moving toward and attaining specific life goals, SBR is a passive process of Behavioral Modification. Typically there is additionally a positive feeling of relaxation and well being following the session.

What Are the Applications for Subconscious Behavioral Reconditioning?

Academic Performance Addiction Alcoholism
Anger Management Anxiety Asthma
Athletic/Sports Performance Bed Wetting Behavior Modification
Career Enhancement Childbirth Preparation Communication Confidence
Conflict Resolution Concentration Improvement Creativity Enhancement
Prevention of Negative Thoughts Depression Drug Addiction
Eating Disorders Emotional Abuse Fear Removal
Grief Recovery Habit Control Headaches
Healing Inner Child Improved Performance Insomnia
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Life Transitions Loss Adaptation
Memory Improvement Migraine Motivation
Nail Biting Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Pain Reduction
Panic Attacks Phobia Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Positive Self Image Physical Abuse Relaxation
Removing Life Blocks and Limitations Self Confidence Self Esteem
Smoking Cessation Improve Speaking Skills Stress
Stuttering Test Taking Improve Communication Skills
Weight Loss Work Performance Improving Relationships

Following a SBR session tools are given to support the positive work releasing life’s barriers. Though miraculous improvements may take place with a single session, six to ten sessions are more common to have an enduring behavioral change. Every person is different in their learned subconscious behavioral patterns and how they accept and respond to SBR.

During an initial consultation and following the first SBR session a better idea will be gained in how quickly and long lasting results might take.

To schedule a consultation and SBR sessions you must read and agree to the terms of the Agreement/Waiver by clicking on the following button:

Please click here for Waiver terms

Please send questions and comments to Dr. Robin L. Futoran.