Subconscious Behavioral Reconditioning
Terms of Agreement

Welcome to my Subconscious Behavioral Reconditioning (SBR) Practice.

This document and attachments constitute a contract between you the Client and me the Mentor. It is required to read this agreement carefully, and raise any questions or concerns you might have prior your electronically signing at the bottom.

The service to be provided by myself Dr. Robin L. Futoran is described as “Behavioral Reconditioning, Motivational mentoring or Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy,” as a form of behavior modification, to be accomplished jointly with you the Client in assisting your achieving important life goals and objectives.

SBR vs Medical Therapy or Psychotherapy:

This is not psychotherapy or the practice of medicine in any form. I’m not a clinical social worker nor am I practicing in any capacity as a physician or even in my field as a licensed doctor of chiropractic orthopedics. Though addressing many issues similar to psychotherapy including behavior modification, motivation and interactive counseling techniques, SBR is more focused on direct suggestion and guidance in moving the client beyond obstacles that prevent their achieving important life goals and objectives. This service is not related to making a diagnosis or treating any form of disease or in anyway providing healthcare. This agreement constitutes more definitively a cooperative motivational and guidance style relationship geared towards the daily behaviors, thoughts and actions that move you the Client in achieving those important life goals and objectives.

In psychotherapy, mental disorders, dysfunction and disease are diagnosed and treated. An understanding is gained in the underlying dynamics that create emotional or mental symptoms, then treatment is directed at alleviating the symptoms by changing dysfunctional behaviors, changing ways of thinking and learning to cope with life’s stresses and challenges thereby relieving the emotional or dysfunctional distress. With psychotherapy patients are often emotionally vulnerable whereas in Motivational Mentoring the focus in one utilizing and designing tools to lift one’s spirit, stimulate action towards life successes and to make positive, desired life changes.

Subconscious Behavioral Reconditioning (SBR):

The focus of SBR is to create a heightened state of suggestibility by temporarily setting aside limiting and interfering thoughts, allowing more direct access to the subconscious mind whereby positive suggestions, guidance and affirmations are offered, allowing the desired behavioral change.

This is accomplished through gentle, comfortable guided meditation and relaxation. Through this process, awareness is heightened and more focused without the distractions that commonly and continually interfere with effective and efficient action towards important goals. 

The process may address personal projects, fears, phobias, self-esteem, personal habits, smoking, weight loss, job performance, career, business, working towards a new profession, writing a book, self-confidence, producing a product, improving or finding a relationship, balancing areas of one’s life, improving health, and many other objectives. SBR will offer tools to remove blocks that might preventing the client from reaching life objectives and goals.

SBR is a well defined and directed approach to making behavioral changes to better meet big life challenges. What ever the goal or objective might be the process will be working with client identified goals and objectives in a manner to modify behaviors that are blocking desired life changes, goals and successes.

There are no power differentials in a SBR relationship that might occur in psychotherapy as it is a cooperative effort. Ultimately with guidance, you as the client set your own goals and agenda, and the success of the program will depend on your openness and willingness to challenge yourself, try new approaches, and follow-through with the work.

This can be an exciting and sometimes challenging process where you can count on me as your guide to be honest and straightforward and moving you in powerful ways that better allow your reaching your greatest behavioral changes, goals and achievements. You will be expected to evaluate your progress with the program and ask questions along the way to know whether SBR is being successful or not. There is no guarantee for achieving your objectives as success is based on your personal goals, efforts, follow through, persistence and willingness to make the changes. Every effort will be made to move you in the direction of success. If you have any problem or issue with the SBR process you will immediately address it with me so that we can take the best and most effective steps together to correct the issue.

In some cases your interest SBR may not be the right direction at some time and you may in fact be in need of psychotherapy counseling, psychiatric or other medical type care. Though it will be your responsibility to know and seek such care, I may ask, recommend or insist that you initiate some form health or medical care to continue with SBR.

It is also important to understand that our work together in SBR is a professional relationship. While it may often feel like a close personal relationship, it is not one that extends beyond professional boundaries either during or after our work together. The weight of experience shows that when boundaries are blurred, the hard won benefits of the work gained in mentoring are endangered.


All information received from a client is strictly confidential and will never be released in any form without written authorization from you. Though minimal hard copy records are retained, in the rare case there were need to respond to a court order, hard copy material would have to be presented.

Though rare in a SBR, confidentiality might be breached if a client is an imminent risk to him/herself or makes threats of violence against another person. If this happens I will contact the appropriate authorities in taking protective action for the client or others. If such an action takes place during our relationship, I will make every effort to first discuss the issue with you the client prior to taking any action.

As you are aware, it is impossible to fully protect confidential information that is transmitted electronically even with email and information stored on computers that are connected to the internet or over cellphones. I do maintain firewalls and have the standard securities that come with personal computers I can not be responsible for information that might be hacked or intercepted through online connections without my knowledge. Beware any time you send email or talk on a cellphone there is a possibility that this information could be intercepted. Any information that might be too sensitive for publication should be directly discussed over a land line telephone or in writing through the mail.


A variety of packages are offered with different numbers of sessions that effect fees for services. Details can be more specifically explained over the telephone or via email depending on needs, objectives and goals.

Once this agreement has been electronically accepted, payment is required at the beginning of an appointment paid in advance. A Paypal link will available to accept payment by credit card. Fees are as follows:

My fees are as follows:
Required Initial Discovery Session: approximately 1-½ hours.
One 50-minute session
Two 50-minute sessions
Three 50-minute sessions
Four 50-minute sessions
Additional 15-minute segment
Additional 30-minute segment
Additional 45-minute segment
15 minutes: $26.00
30 minutes: $46.00
Professional time spent outside of coaching sessions, including, but not limited to, between session phone calls, email exchanges, reviewing documents all rounded up to quarter-of-an-hour increments.

You are required to give 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or change the time of an appointment. Otherwise, you will be charged for the session in full. Dr. Futoran will make every effort to reschedule sessions which are cancelled in a timely manner.

* Required Please make a selection.

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A value is required.

A value is required.ex: 888-888-8888