The Healing Mankind Project is intended to propagate the greatest possibilities in the natural healing of oneself and others through the connection to—and from within—Universal Consciousness; by accessing The Energy That Is Everything (TETIE); through the principles of Quantum Physics and Divine Nature; and by healing both individuals as well as the whole of mankind. The Healing Mankind Project is to act as a catalyst, without limitations, in the acceleration of spiritual and personal growth, and in the achievement of life dreams. It is a space for people to meet in love, peace, harmony and joy.

The Reconnection®

What is a Personal Reconnection?

Slot CanyonThe Reconnection is a two-session process that reconnects our greater spiritual self on the deepest, clearest level, with the grandest, most infinite part of Universal Consciousness (Divine Source, God as you know her, Buddha, The Energy That Is Everything [TETIE]). In this process a permanent connection is reestablished for that knowingness we have of our Oneness, without separation between TETIE and our higher self.

By experiencing The Reconnection we can become far more powerfully connected to TETIE than every before, accelerating our physical and spiritual evolution, transforming our body and soul. Clearing limitations, blocks and learned behaviors that get in the way of accomplishing your greatest goals and dreams through a heightened connection to Universal Consciousness. Reconnecting in a new way, our attunement to the TETIE, most every area of our lives can be enhanced.

According to The Reconnection, we are connected to these greater frequencies of the universe through channels of light and energy grids defined in the Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch. The Reconnection describes awakened teachers and spiritual traditions, poets, and artists down through time have attempted to describe this Unity or Universal Grid in many ways. Buddhist mystics called it the Unoriginated, Uncreated, Unformed. Hui-Neng, of sixth-century China, declared it Buddha. 8th-Century mystic Padmasambhava described it as Absolute Awareness; Hindu mystic Shankara referred to it as Brahman; Jesus in his Christ Consciousness addressed it as Father, heaven, field, pearl, light, One. Poet -saints have described it as an ocean or sea of light, Still Point, Cave of the Heart. Cutting-edge science has made attempts to describe this Central Point of Existence: Zero Point Field, the Matrix. However it is named, we each know, deep down—where words often cannot go or language can describe—that “pull” to return to a “Home” or Still Place where we come to rest and are completely silent and fulfilled.

Each of our bodies contain their own set of energetic lines and points which are connected to the vastly larger grid of TETIE and the entire universe. They serve as our interface with Universal Consciousness as channels that facilitate our communication of energy, light and information between Every-Thing large and small within the universe and humankind.

For many reasons over a lifetime inherent in the nature of being born, reared and inundated with information, some accurate, some polluted, by family, friends, teachers and media we have created physical, mental and spiritual blocks, limitations, fears, doubts and worries. This created a disconnect from higher frequencies of the universal matrix, distancing ourselves from our more easy, expansive, evolutionary openness and growth.

In the words of founder Eric Pearl, The Reconnection opens “new” axiatonal lines and channels that reconnect us on a more powerful and evolved level than ever before. These lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence, a parallel-dimensional system that draws the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body. During a Reconnection, unique patterns and frequencies are used to bring in and activate these new lines connecting us to the Universal Grid, allowing for the exchange of light and information, the reconnection of DNA strands, and the reintegration of strings (simultaneous parallel planes of existence).

For greater detail on how The Reconnection works, click here.

What Will a Reconnection Do for Me?

  1. Amplification of your Life Path
  2. Allows you to live more powerfully
  3. Opens doors to new possibilities
  4. Accelerates spiritual expansion
  5. Allows you to manifest in a more powerful manner
  6. Removes blocks and limitations allowing you to move beyond doubts and fear
  7. It is like upgrading your spiritual and material operating system
  8. Increases health, and allows for dramatic healing
  9. Accelerates prosperity and abundance
  10. Increases intuition and heightens perception
  11. Transforms living spaces
  12. Moves the body, mind and spirit in the direction of harmony
  13. Improves athletic flexibility and performance
  14. Improves memory and learning capabilities
  15. Enhances creativity and artistic abilities
  16. Improves and amplifies quality of life!
  17. Empowers you to be focused and take action on your life path
  18. Improves clarity in making life choices
  19. Brings harmony and peacefulness to your being

What Might I Feel During a Reconnection Session?

The process of a Reconnection is a gentle one of relaxing and being open to the universal energies.

Each person is unique in body and mind which creates a uniqueness for Healing sessions. Here is a list of what some clients have reported during or after a Reconnection.

Warmth throughout the body Energy moving in different areas through the body Heat, coolness and tingling sensations in different areas
Dreams that seemed real Feel as if I have been given the gift of healing Greater mental strength
Heightened awareness A feeling of richness I felt like I was firmly somewhere else
Blocks of body or mind being released Inner visions of all sorts Images passing by
Hearing voices, some of people known and others unknown Feeling the presence of family, alive or deceased Strong emotions in all forms
Blissful feelings Like a deep meditation Feeling highly relaxed
An explosion of epiphanies Quivering A sense of well being
Relaxation A release of pent up emotions Vanishing of physical pain
A simulation of high energy Clear vision: "I know what I have to do!" Profound feelings of spiritual awakening

To schedule a Reconnection you must read and agree to the terms of the Agreement/Waiver by clicking on the following button:

Please click here for Waiver terms

Please send questions and comments to Dr. Robin L. Futoran.