The Healing Mankind Project is intended to propagate the greatest possibilities in the natural healing of oneself and others through the connection to—and from within—Universal Consciousness; by accessing The Energy That Is Everything (TETIE); through the principles of Quantum Physics and Divine Nature; and by healing both individuals as well as the whole of mankind. The Healing Mankind Project is to act as a catalyst, without limitations, in the acceleration of spiritual and personal growth, and in the achievement of life dreams. It is a space for people to meet in love, peace, harmony and joy.

Bio-Cognitive Healing (BCH)

Thoughts Change Biochemistry

Integrated Bio-Cognitive Healing (BCH) is a healing method that combines elements of and is a level beyond hypnotherapy, guided meditation, guided visualization and energy therapies. BCH through the energy of thoughts, feelings, emotion and spirit, activates the natural processes of the body in improving the health of oneself and others through the body, mind and spirit connection.

After almost 30 years practicing clinical healthcare, I’m ready to reveal the healing behind my practice. Healing that is far more extraordinary than the logical, clinical protocol that people have come to follow with contemporary medicine. BCH is not simply another “energy technique” or “guided visualization.” It is a process of altering physical matter through our ever present connection to and from within The Energy That Is Everything (TETIE) (Universal Consciousness, God, Source, Buddha, Allah, I Am, Elohim, Abraxas, Shang Ti, Divine Source or by any other name).

Cell-Chromosome-DNA strandApplied and exercised quietly behind a very orthopedic oriented chiropractic practice for almost 30 years, Integrated Bio-Cognitive Healing (BCH) is a form of healing based on the premise that “thoughts change biochemistry.” The soon to be published “Healing Mankind,” defines and describes in detail, the quantum nature of how energy, resulting from thoughts, emotions, feelings and intention alter physiological processes to activate healing. The energy of these deliberate thoughts, feelings and intentions, not only stimulate biochemical and neurochemical processes directly, but send biophotons (light energy), biophonons (sound energy) along with other forms of electromagnetic current, instantly triggering specific physiological mechanisms that activate bodily systems and processes invigorating the body’s natural healing mechanisms. BCH is a method of healing that integrates both accepted laws in quantum physics with accepted laws of metaphysics (beyond physics).

The body consists of innate functions and processes whose design is to maintain balance and health within each body system, each organ and tissue of the body thereby avoiding a state of “dis-ease.” Some of the processes are understood in physical terms by science (physical science and quantum physics) while most remain only partially understood or completely inexplicable with current technology. Whether working from perspective healing according to the “laws of physics,” manipulating matter through medication and physical means or by directing and channeling of healing energies the outcome will be the same. Studies prove that believing a treatment is going to be effective is essential for any type of therapy or care. It has been shown that if a patient does not believe an antibiotic will work it won’t, while conversely if they believe a placebo will work for the same condition, it will.

Cell-Chromosome-DNA strandFor the purposes of working with people from either perspective and within parameters of both, as in the name BCH; there is an “integration” of both physics and metaphysics. BCH can be effective if you understand it only from the perspective of physical sciences as well as if your only understanding is that of metaphysics. BCH is not reliant on an understanding one or the other. The practice of BCH can be accomplished from the perspective that makes the most sense to you. Avoid being distracted by concepts you don’t fully understand, are not comfortable with or lack familiarity. BCH can be effective regardless. Based simply on the premise and understanding that “thoughts change biochemistry,” it matters not if that is a spiritual mechanism or one of physical science.

BCH is designed to encourage the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Most health conditions can be addressed utilizing BCH which can be performed in person or as distance healing implement.

Throughout the BCH session, all you are required to do is relax, listen, follow any healing exercises, allow yourself to be open and present to the energy of the HP(s), and universal consciousness focusing specific energy with the intention of improving and restoring health to the areas of your body that are in a state of disease.

Integrated Bio-Stimulus Technique™ is designed to support the body in the most natural way possible. This type of healing may not be the right direction for you and does not in any way replace medical and other forms of healthcare. It will be your responsibility to know and seek any medical care that might be necessary for all conditions or ailments.

Healing Sessions are scheduled in one hour time slots. The session will more likely last somewhere between 40 minutes to one hour which includes conversation and archiving time before and after. The actual healing session will take between 25 and 35 minutes, and a bit shorter for children.

To schedule an BCH session, fill out the form below or call directly.

What Might BCH Help Me With?

Healing is a return to harmony and balance within tissues that are in a state of "disease."

Every health challenge is a combination of physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and even some outside influence!

Clients have sought BCH sessions for many issues related to their health and well being. Some of those include:

Distance Healing

Understanding the physics of time and space, it is easy to see that these man-made concepts for communication between humans has no bearing on the reality of accessing The Energy That Is Everything (TETIE) from anywhere on earth or beyond in any given time frame. Who we are and how we connect with TETIE and others is not bound by the limitations of this physical world.

All things physical and non-physical being composed of the same materials and being connected as one within the fabric of TETIE, further allows us to realize how everything is connected and accessible here in this moment. When we stop and connect to the frequencies of the energy of our origin, we see that there is no distance nor is there past, present or future between any one of us.

Three distance healing options:

  1. The most efficient way for distance healing is connecting by phone or video conferencing at the arranged appointment time. Have yourself in a quiet room, ready to be in the most comfortable posture for the healing; lying down, reclined or sitting, and know that you will not be disturbed for the length of the session. We will begin with a short briefing and the session will being. At the end of the session we will log and discuss the experience.
  2. Another option that can be arranged, is scheduling a specific time during the day that you have the ability to be anywhere in particular at your convenience. The place makes no difference to me. I will perform the healing session and we will arrange a time following the session or at a later more convenient time to log debrief the session. The healing will take place as it is supposed to.
  3. Requesting Distance Healing Gift for Someone Else: Healing for someone you care about at their request or out of your desire. Family member (child, parent, spouse, sibling…), friend, co-worker.

    When giving a gift of healing whether anonymous or announced, you will have the option of participating in the healing session. You may offer the gift without their knowledge upon providing me with some information, or if they know you are arranging the healing, you can either have them call me or provide me with their contact information to set up a specific time for the appointment. If giving the gift anonymously and you would like to participate in the healing, we would arrange a time for us to coordinate the session together. If the healing session is not anonymous and at the authorization of the person undergoing the healing, you may also want to participate in the healing.

    You will be notified when the healing session has been completed.

How Many Sessions Do I Need with BCH to Notice a Change?

As with any form of treatment, there are no guarantees regarding the outcome of BCH.

Each of us being so unique, personally, physically and emotionally, there is no formula to predict the outcome of healing sessions.

People have responded to a single session, others to four or ten sessions. Ideally, improvement is noticed immediately and at least within the first three or four sessions. As there is typically a shift in signs and symptoms of a concern being addressed by the 3rd or 4th session, if this has not occurred, the healing will be re-evaluated regarding its appropriateness for your conditions.

To schedule a consultation and BCH sessions you must read and agree to the terms of the Agreement/Waiver by clicking on the following button:

Please click here for Waiver terms

Please send questions and comments to Dr. Robin L. Futoran.